
Linda Lou

12 years old
106 races
$168,000 in winnings
Arrived from Finger Lakes track in NY

Linda Lou (“Lulu”) was a true warhorse, earning over $182K during her race days. At age 7, she retired from the track — and became a broodmare. Lulu then had six foals — many of them tall and flashy, just like her. At age 18, her fertility declined — and she needed a new home. LOPE stepped forward to offer her a spot – and her owner (and head of the breeding farm) shipped her across the country to us, thrilled that she could have a chance at a third career. Lulu is sound, with lovely movement (see video here) and kind personality. She has charmed everyone at LOPE!

Sponsor Jet
Racing Warrior Credentials

Linda Lou

Years Old
Lifetime Winnings
See Complete History
